Note:Unfourtunately Julian King has been found deceased in Jason Hudson SUV. He was shot. Again please continue to pray for the Hudson family.
I know first hand about tragedy and a missing love one.I ask that everyone keep Julia in your prayers. I can tell you from first hand experience these are very trying times for her right now. The publics involvement is so important right now in finding her son.She not only lost her mother and brother. She is grieving for her missing son.I ask that you continue to pray that he will be brought home safely. And also pray for their strength in dealing with the death of their mother and brother.
1 comment:
Truely a sad story with an even sadder ending.Senseless deaths are always spiritually confusing,but the senseless death of a child,someone that hasn`t even really began life is...just depressing.Above all ,it is his plan and we are to follow it faithfully.All prayers go out to the Hudson family.
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